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Door of Hearts - Doorguard by Kalahan

Door of Hearts - Doorguard


This, my friends and random deviants, is a Doorguard. It is basically the opposite of a Keyblade, as: instead of a key, it's a door; and instead of a blade, it's a guard(shield). Now, the Doorguard is not huge! If it were as big as a door, the the Keyblade would be a fancy toothpick! No, the Doorguard, in proportion to wielders, would be about this big:

So basically, imagine instead of that Crusader, Dextra. Now, flip the image, as Dextra is right-handed. Replace the sword with the Brotherhood Keyblade, and the shield with the Door-of-Hearts Doorguard. That's how Dextra would look in battle.

If you're wondering, I based the Door of Hearts off....well, the two Doors to Kingdom Hearts that we've scene. I combined both doors, the Original and the Nobody one, and made so. It's not very obvious, as there are some original touches, but hey. I also tried finding pictures of the Door in the Dive To Heart. But.....there weren't any! To me, that's the most famous Door in all of KH!!

Now, bear in mind, the only beings in all of Kingdom Hearts who could wield the Doorguard is the Door himself. The only reason multiple exist is because the Door was split: a Heartless and a Nobody. But, another reason for more than one wielder is History: Like there is the Key, there is the Door. (tell me if you're confused)

Oh, I almost forgot, ya know how the appearance of the Keyblade changes per key chain? Well, for the Doorguard, its appearance changes per door knobs/handles. Ya know, those two yellow, parallel lines on the Door of Hearts? Change it, change the appearance.

Kingdom Hearts © Square Enix & Disney

Tared, Dextra, Dextro, and the Doorguard © Kalahan/Me

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Visual / Traditional