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Aquaen Nychus by Kalahan (critique requested)

Aquaen Nychus (critique requested)


Species Name: Aquaen Nychus

Plant/Animal: Animal

Vertebrate/Invertebrate: Vertebrate

Closest Earth Category: Reptile

Closest Earth Relative: Deinonychus

Related to: ??

Diet: Omnivore

Main Foods: Water, Algae, small fish, and other tiny aquatic creatures

Hunted by: Nothing, I think…they’re too tiny and agile

Domesticated: No

Can it be domesticated: Yes

Sub Species: XX

Fur, scales, skin, sceathers (scales and feathers), a combination, etc.: Scales

Biome Types: Ponds, rivers, creeks, and lakes (basically, fresh water)

Height: 4-8 inches

Weight: 6-10 lbs.

Other info: Aquaen Nychus are so named for both their aquatic appearance, and for their chosen habitats. These little creatures love water. Which is good, because they’re bodies are designed to get the majority of their necessary nutrients directly from water! Their scales are movable, and can be lifted to allow water to make contact with the skin, allowing for the absorption. With this ability, if their other food supplies are low, they have a long duration of time where they can live off of water alone.

Special thing about Aquaen Nychus…they can be very friendly. While most will flee from the presence of threats, i.e. Humans, Predators, the other Races of Wing Haven, there is an exception. If you are wet, not damp, wet, then a Nychus will willingly approach you…and start licking you. Like a Scauldron from HTTYD, they love you if you remind them of home.

Speaking of Predators, the reason why Nychus aren't specifically hunted by any creature is for three reasons. 1. Aquaen Nychus have durable armor that would protect them, and make them look fierce. 2. They can be fierce, and with their claws, and their living in packs, they can defend themselves easily if necessary. And 3. Aquaen Nychus are just too difficult to find. With their natural camouflage, heightened senses, and quickness in the water, they can hide themselves far too well to be hunted. Most people didn't know Aquaen Nychus even existed till Ganya discovered one, and made it his pet.

Also, the Nychus bear gills, so they can breath both air and water, increasing their versatility.

Sleeping Habits: Diurnal

Intelligence Level: High

Live birth or egg laying: Egg laying

Abundancy: Average

Can people hunt them: No

**sniffles** TwT...behold my pretties...pardon my Oz reference. X3

Aquaen Nychus live in Wing Haven and Wing Haven only. They are not a species to be OCed, kapeesh?

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional