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The waiting game by Kadmiel

The waiting game


Several months prior,Kad awoke to a loud pounding on her door and gotup,slipping on shirt and somepants over her form. She tucked a
handgun into the waistband before stepping out ofher room and heading over to the door. Sheglanced through thedoor and saw a man in a
Fedex uniform holding a manila folder. She stepped back and undid locks and opened the door. Thiswas her usual receiving method for new
assignments. She signed his PDAthen nodded back to him as heturned to leave.

She closed her door and locked it back up and shut all the curtains before sitting on her couch. The weightwas off,the packagewas notas
heavyas it should have been. Finally, shelifted the pins that held theflap of thefolder down and opened it. Instead of a tape there was a single
sheet of paper that said "You've been selected for another assignment, you'll get the detailsat themission site." The date wastoday,the time
latethis evening. Folded behind it wasanother sheetof paper with map quest directions to a local bar, one sheknew well.

She got up and wentinto her garagewhere she kept her metal trash can for assignmentdisposals. Shelit two edges on firethen dropped itinto
the can and made sure itwas completely burned to ash before emptying the contents into her blackbarrel trash can. Then shewent to prepare
for tonight's mission. At8pm she wasat the Boxing Bunny Bar. A human slipped into the booth behind herswith two glasses, passing her a shot
of absinthe while heonly had water. "You bunnygirls seem to enjoythat."

Kad glanced at theshot then downed it,seeing asit wasn'tdrugged. "You'rethe contactwho's to giveme thedetails?" He shook his head "I'm
your partner who'sgoing to give you the details." Kad leaned forward "the assignmentsaid nothing about apartner,I always work alone."
Unfazed, hecontinued "the building to the north and thebuilding to the easthaverifle caseson the roof. Thenorth is a PSG1,the other an SVU
Dragunov. Pick your placement."

Kad leaned back "I'll takethe PSG1, now I need to know who'sthe target." Mikhail leaned back"I thoughtyou would pick that. I'm taking out the
target,your role in this isto make sure i'm covered. Once I take theshot, this partnership is over and you wont see meagain. Your payment is
next to the riflecase." Kad would then lean forward "you wanna get out ofhere? There's a nice hotel onlya few blocksaway." Without missing a
beat Mikhail nodded "lets do it." They both gotup and left together, but asthey turned off thestreetthey separated and headed to their locations.

Once on theroof of the north building,under thecover of near complete darkness, Kad surveyed the bar. She then looked around and spotted an
attache case sitting nextto an air condition unit,almost as if it were part of theassembly. She picked itup and in a hole hidden bythe casewas
her payment. She grabbed that too. Back atthe edge ofthe roof,she kneltdown and was assembling the rifle, taking her timeto make sure
everything was correct in its place. As she pulled out the silencer, she noticed an ear piece beneath it. Once the gun was complete, she put that
on and tapped it"are you in place?"

She looked towardsthe building Mikhail was on as she said thatand could see somemovement. She received an affirmative then picked up her
gun and set it on the edgeof theroof and looked through the scope atthe building. She couldn't see any immediate potential threatsto Mikhail,
or anyoneworth assassination. Thatwas when shenoticed the tightknitgroup near the bar. A large wolf,a blonde rabbit with white fur, a blue
rabbit,a mouse girl with a bandana and the wolf's manager. Shetensed as her train ofthoughtstarted hurtling down the track.

Of course, she thought, they're all high profileenough to warrant assassination byrival managers. Taking out thebiggestopposition isa good
wayto ensureyour own fighter getsto thetop. She narrowed her eyes and looked through the scope,sighting on a glassof carrot juiceand
slowly squeezed the trigger. She shot again a couple of timesinto the bar itself to get thegroup to move. Then the turned her gun on Mik and
opened fire, though she didn'taim as well and her bullets embedded in the edge ofthe building or flew harmlessly past him. Butit wasenough to
make him pull thegun back and drop down behind the wall.

She pulled her own gun back and ducked long enough to grab her cash and turn. She didnt give him time to linea bead on her, quicklygetting up
and running across thebuilding towards the door she came from, leaving only the case behind. Bullets swarmed around her as she ran and she
cursed. "Ofcourse" shesaid to herself"he'd get the SVU-A for it's full automatic feature." She wasalmost safewhen a bullet ripped through her
right thigh, causing her to stumble and then fall, tripped up on the break in her rhythm.

Her cash and the rifle skidded across theground as shequickly drew herselfbehind partof thestructure. Kad collected the items she dropped
then disappeared inside the structure, not waiting around for thecops to show up and catch her with a rifle. Brieflyvisiting one ofthe restrooms
to getsomething to staunch the blood flow then climbed out thewindow and used a drainage pipe to getdown to the ground, disappearing into
the night. She couldn't go back home, sheknew, there was too high a chance Mik would tryto ambush her there.

Now several months later,she knew Mikhail would be out to get her, so it had been her plan to get the drop on him first. She finallyhad him in
her sights, inside a building in one ofthe manychina townsthatjust happened to be owned by theChinese triad. It seemed the game was just
about to wrap up, shethought, as she looked through thesmall space of a rear door that was just slightly ajar. Another halfhour passed before
she heard the sound ofMahjong tiles being rapidly placed backin their container and sidled away from the door. As thedoor opened further,she
brought her gun out from behind her back. And Mik just happened to bethe first person to walk out,he stopped,seeing the gun right away. His
expression was calm to her angryone, but he had to be angryather for not onlynotbacking him up, but spooking his target and shooting at him
as well.

Mikand artcopyright to/done by

Kaddyiscopyright me.

Submission Information

Visual / Sketch