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Salkanai Henka by jokanai-henka

Salkanai Henka


Joka's pappy!

Art (c) foxofthestars (FA)

Character is owned by myself.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    So I gotta ask, whats the story behind this dude? He looks pretty rough around the edges and correct me if im wrong but those are burns on the left side of his body right?

    I couldnt contain my curiosity any more, this is a really unique character >.<

    • Link

      Burns and other scarring caused by energy rebound, he's a celestial lion, and his kind are born with the innate ability to manipulate solid white light to a degree, if they go beyond their natural limits, they suffer as payment, he broke his limits to protect his wife and son, thus bearing the rebound and losing sight in his left eye while his other abilities were sealed.

      Never be afraid to ask about my characters, I'm always happy to explain :3

      • Link

        Thats pretty badass actually. I had a feeling it was going to be interesting^^. Poor guy. So he lost all of his abilities?

        • Link

          Not entirely, they're still there, simply sealed deep inside him until he encounters a healing force strong enough to release them once again.

          • Link

            Well that good that its not -completely- gone, it sounds like its a pretty important thing where his kind are concerned.

            • Link

              Essential to day-to-day life, manipulation of solidified light to both defend themselves, fight and for labor use like lifting and moving, genderfluidity just comes naturally but is non-essential, and healing abilities, that are more effective on other bodies, and are amplified if the user is pregnant at the time.