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Carried Away WIP by jemscribbles

Carried Away WIP


About 15 active hours in so far. Colored pencil on smooth bristol.

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Visual / Traditional


  • Link

    Holy moly that looks amazing! Those colours! I love how they blend so well and how it's kind of a surrealistic thing you're making. I am very curious to see the finished result. :)

    • Link

      Thank you! The colors are more vivid in person. I don't have a good camera, and it's too big to scan. I hope the final result is pleasing!

      • Link

        What size paper did you make it on, then? Also, I don't know if you use Photoshop, but usually you can enhance the colours in there a little bit. It could be an option?

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          I messed with it a little in photoshop (my PS is super outdated though, CS2), but I'm hoping that when it's finished, I can get a decent photo of it with some natural light or something. The lighting in my house is pretty bad, all yellow--LOL! Anyway, it's 18x24" smooth bristol. I had a few sheets of it lying around from an old project, so I decided to put it to good use. =)

          • Link

            So 18x24" is... A3 size? As for photoshop, maybe you should have a go with CS5 or CS6. Might work. As for the lighting, it can also work when you point a bright desk lamp at your drawing, because those are usually more white light.

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              I'm not sure what A3 size means--LOL!

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                Well, A4 is the regular printing paper size (it's an international size). A3 is twice the size of A4 (so if you were to precisely fold an A3 paper in the middle, you'd get an A4 sized thing)

                • Link

                  Oh, I see! Printer paper being 8.5x11", it would definitely be close, so you are probably right. Interesting! I didn't know there was such a categorization. Learn something new everyday, right?

                  • Link

                    Haha, yes. :) Yay for learning new stuff! ^_^ But it's good to know that stuff with the paper size, because in the end you'll hear more people within the art world talk about it, especially because those sizes are international sizes.

                    Do you have any plan what you will do with this picture once it is finished, by the way?

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                      Not currently. There is a community art contest I might enter it into, but I'm not sure I will. It's a nature themed contest for an eagle festival, so it's a pretty big stretch--LOL!

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                        Well, there's a tornado. Tornado is wind. Wind is air. Eagles fly through the air... And look, a link is made. ;) But maybe there will be other contests to enter it into as well. Who knows. I think it has a good chance of winning, because it's interesting, pleasant, yet at the same time strange and uncomfortable to look at. Well not so much uncomfortable, but it brings some strange emotions. At least it does so for me. Like there's a hand on my throat and it's about to squeeze... Kind of fearful of what is coming.

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                          Cool, glad you're feeling it! I was going for that kind of thing. =)

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                            Awesome to hear. It means you did really well, because the emotional message got through. :)