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The Traitor Pg 1 by JasperMoore

The Traitor Pg 1


Snow was falling everywhere, a deathly cold blanket that enveloped every creature, living and dead. Sibel couldn’t tell if the sky was getting greyer, or if her vision was just getting worse. She had lost her glasses few miles back. Their group was slowly dwindling. When they started out, there were a few hundred. Now- only about less than 90 remained. Sibel didn’t know many people in the group, even though most of them were from her home town. They were all taken in the middle of the night- forced out of their homes with nothing but the clothes on their backs. They knew it was going to happen eventually, but no matter how much mental preparation they took couldn’t prepare them for what would await them. Sibel stuck close to the one person she knew, her best friend Basil. Her parents- and his- were both murdered weeks ago. It had been going on for months- the marching in the cold, the untimely deaths of those they knew, the endless hunger and frostbite. Sibel had lost track of how long they had been out there. They stopped for one of the few hour long breaks the guards took to set up camp, stay for a while, then keep marching. Sibel had fallen asleep in the bitter cold snow when she felt a nudge on her shoulder. “Sibel.” She heard her name, but managed to make nothing but a grunt in return. “Sibel, get up.” The nudging was harder this time. She opened her eyes to Basil standing over her. “We’re moving again. If you don’t get up, they’ll shoot you.” He said, extending a hand to help her to her feet.

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