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Willing Prey is the Best by JadeTheZoroark

Willing Prey is the Best


If y'all don't know what my deal about vore is, then I'll tell ya. Vore to me is something beyond romantic and intimate. It's a way to show that you love and trust someone by either being the prey or predator. For predators, it's a way to grow closer and bond with your prey. If they choose to stick around, they'll be carried with you for the rest of your days~

If you're the prey, it really shows your dedication and love to the predator by basically saying "I trust you enough to let you consume me".

I don't eat for sport, power, greed, or anything like that. It's all about love. Loving, willing, delicious vore will forever be the greatest show of love to me~

Anywho, this /fantastic/ comic of my Zoroark was made by geckomania geckomania
The look on that Riolu's face is precious <3 They both look quite content.

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    That is the exact reason I love being a prey so much in vore, literally trusting my life to the predator

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    same reason for me. but it looks like that riolu will be well fed.

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      Of course! I always make sure my prey is well fed before I eat them. It's a win for both of us~