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Malako, God of Positive Emotions and Imagination by Inktail

Malako, God of Positive Emotions and Imagination


The exact origins of Mylk are still a matter of debate among it's scholars, but one thing that they have agreed on that Mylk is a plane that is built on the mind and the heart, thought and emotion, Imagination and Fear. Legend tells of a pair of deities that predates the pantheon we know today, who's very presence is felt throughout the plane every day. Malako is one of these gods, and represents the positive side of emotion in the plane. It is said they helped shaped the world into it's current state with the collective unconscious of those from the surrounding planes, which would explain the many childish aspects given how much more powerful the imagination of children are then adults. Malako has a more hands off approach to Mylk, choosing not to directly interfere unless they deem it necessary, and even then they would act through the lesser gods or even rarer a mortal champion. The only sign that Malako even really exist is the presence of a single purple star in the night sky...

A good friend of mine actually created Malako in a rp even before I became involved with Mylk and we have been trying to find a way to include him ever since. I like the idea of having more primal gods for the plane, and that is reflected in the fact they don't quite match the ascetic as the other gods.

Art by me

Originally posted on 2022-11-21.

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