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Nox, God of the Undernursery & the Dark by Inktail

Nox, God of the Undernursery & the Dark


Nox, God of the Undernursery & the Dark

Alignment: Lawful Netural

Mylk is a place of non permanence and consonantly changing, and even death can be only a temporary state for those who meet their end here. The many temples of mylk have anchor points one can attune oneself to so that if the worse were to occur they would have a place to return to. But before that can happen, their soul must first make a trip through the Undernursery, the domain of the god Nox. While frightening, they are an often misunderstood deity who merely wishes to comfort those who come to his realm so they may rest and recover from the trauma their experience may have left them with. Under his protection, they will rest peacefully until they are read to return to the materiel plane, how long this takes is usually dependent on the method and severity of their demise (or if someone were to use resurrection magic on them.) Of course, this negative emotional energy cleansed from these souls tend to build up in the undernursery and can leak out into the materiel plane, taking the form of what many consider to be mylk's equivalent to undead. Clerics of Nox tend to deal with these beings personally to protect the rest of Mylk from the havoc they can cause if left to roam, or worse, be utilized by necromancers.

Ok I know I promised no more gods, but alot of people were asking me how death works in mylk and after much discussion we now have a solid answer. Hopefully I can elaborate more on the undernursery and undead of mylk in the near future.

art by me

Originally posted on 2022-01-09.

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