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Scraps, the Pocket Plush Rat (by puca-puca) by Inktail

Scraps, the Pocket Plush Rat (by puca-puca)


Once again we take a peek at the world of Work Sucks and find plushie-kin Ink adjusting to his new lot in life. It seems now he has now gotten himself a belt pouch and pet plush of his own, like Socks has her own pet plush Poly. Meet Scraps, a big plush rat who lives in Ink's Bag. The big rodent is quite shy and uneasy when out of his bag, and is prone to grab anything or anyone near by soft and squishy enough to be his security blanket. This often leads to him trying to retreat back into the bag with said person snuggled close, which leads to ink having to pull them back out. Like Poly, Scraps can be altered and changed to suit Ink's needs. One of Ink's fave things to do is to cut him up and make numerous mini plush mice to help him with day to day chores. Scraps loves his owner and will often times try and pull him into the bag with him for person snuggle sessions. Such a big loveable squeaker.

a birthday gift done by the talented puca-puca

Originally posted on 2016-07-10.

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