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Inktail and The Pink Coven (by Gawayne) by Inktail

Inktail and The Pink Coven (by Gawayne)

Inktail and the Pink Coven
By Gawayne

Inktail the Blue Mage was far off in the land of Ivalice. The small moogle adventurer had recently taken up a mission at the local Pub. He had been tasked with investigating a mysterious coven of mages that had seemingly popped up out of nowhere and garnered the interest of many. The mysterious group had taken residence in some ancient ruins that Inktail was nearing on the outskirts of the plains. It was rumored to have been part of a once great magical society that fell for no known reason. As he entered though, he got the vague and foreboding sense that there was danger about, that the group he was investigating.

Flying with his small batl ike wings, he began to look about for any signs of life. With his attention in other places he didn’t notice the tripwire set up. At his altitude he would trip it accidentally. Within moments his slim belly collided with it, making a large bucket of pink slime fall on him. A moment later the black furred moogle felt his body swell as he began to grow larger, not as if he was becoming a giant, but rather like he was growing fatter. His belly expanded, as did the rest of him, growing thicker and softer slowly beneath his plush sable fur. He had to have gained about 100lbs, his clothes all tight around his body. When he managed to stumble to his feet, he also discovered that he couldn’t fly anymore due to his immense weight. Sighing, he looked at the strange fluid and poked it. It was thick and viscous, but warm. One thing he knew for sure though was that it wasn’t natural.

“What a weird trap, kupo. I better take a sample and hope I don’t get caught.” he said, when he heard some laughter. Turning, he saw a group of women, all of them heavyset and large. There were two viera, two nu mou, about three seeqs and five female moogles, one of whom was in the front. She was about Inktail’s size as far as weight went.

“Hey! Who are you?” he asked, but instead of them answering all of them fled, separating into several different directions. Inktail looked all about. There were twelve in all if his count was correct and he needed to capture and stop all of them so he could learn more. He decided to go after the very voluptuous Viera first. He had seen them go into a tower that was standing somewhat.

Entering the tower Inktail waddled around, trying to look for a hint of the fat mages in pink, porcine robes. He noticed that on a table there was a cupcake. Inktail questioned how such a sweet treat could be in an ancient building, but his belly rumbled. Despite his better judgment, he had the strong urge to eat the cupcake.

“Maybe one bite won’t hurt, kupo.” he said as he took it and bit it. It was delicious, but the moment he bit it he noticed the frosting was made of the same pink goop as before. As he igulped it in shock his body began to grow more corpulent, but he also felt sluggish.

“Hah! You have fallen for our trap!” One of the viera said as they came in the room, getting caught on the door momentarily. Their heavy, lightly furred frames were before the now sluggish Inktail.

“What did you do to me?”

“We fed you a Letharga-cake. You’re afflicted with the Lazy status.”

“With less accuracy and lowered speed, you’ll be no threat to us.” said the first Viera’s titanic twin, her tubby body jiggling with her massive weight. “Now to finish you!”

“Shall we turn him into a pig sister?”

“Perhaps.” the second Viera agreed, “or we could make him into a delicious sweet...”

“How about you let me go?” Inktail asked trying to be cute. “I don’t want to have to hurt you.”

“Hurt us? How?”

“Like this, kupo!” he said before plugging his ears and singing. Being a Blue Mage enabled Inktail to utilize skills normally only monsters could use. The skill he was currently using was Frogsong. The tones turned his foes into frog versions of themselves. The two Viera-turned-amphibians looked at one another. Oddly their girth, long earsm and caps remaiend even after the changes. they hopped up and down in surprise. Inktail chuckled at their frustration.

“Sorry ladies. I’ll fix you when I find your friends.” he said, getting up and waddling off feeling smug. He decided the next place he should check was the Library.

Entering the building he saw a ton of tomes stacked high, all in some incomprehensible language. The books were very thick and the few ones open on the ground either displayed rather enticing looking meals or enemies and monsters becoming bloated blobs. Inktail had to stifle a snicker as he looked at the image of a Behemoth struggling to support it’s massive belly. As amused as he was he still noticed that there was the not so subtle sounds of footsteps thudding against the tiles of the archaic house of knowledge.

Turning quickly, the Blue mage saw two more figures in salmon colored clothes. It took him a moment to notice that the massively framed females before him were Nu mou. Looking at their gray furred faces he got ready for a fight.

“Are you two going to just explain what’s going on to me, or do we have to fight, kupo?”

“It seems the latter option is best, trespasser. Now prepare yourself!” she said as she readied her magic and cast a spell. “Jiggle!”

The moment she cast the spell, a bright blast of rose colored energy went from her palm to the body of Inktail. As he felt his newly increased frame begin to feel softer. His very insides felt as if they were turning to mush. He started to gasp as he saw that his furry body was turning into an odd, black jelly. He blinked his blue gelatinous eyes in surprise.

“Heh! Now with that done I think I’ll call in our little pet to finish things off.” the other Nu Mou said before whistling. Moments later Ink was staring down a massive, terrifying, overfed Coeurl.

The long whiskered panther roared and bared it’s fangs at Ink, it’s glare ferocious and hungry. Realizing that he was currently made of jelly, Ink tried his best to run as the Coeurl gave chase, but one of the Coeurl’s masters laughed madly.

“It’s too late! Fluffy here knows about as many skills as we do and jelly is his favorite food. Now Fluffy...Eat!”

Obeying, Fluffy began to use a monstrous skill known as Swallow, with an odd, vacuum like power it began to suck air, trying to swallow Inktail. The gel-moogle did everything in his power to run, but given his altered form and added weight he was being pulled back, even as he futilely flapped his wings to try and go faster.

Within mere moments he was back before the Coeurl, his jowls open wide. Though Fluffy wanted to simply scarf up his meal he decided to savor the moment. Using magic, he began to fatten up his prey so he could truly feast. First, he began by casting Hunger spells on the moogle. Inktail, unable to escape due to tiredness started to feel his hunger mount. As he experienced the spells he began to learn their names. Being a Blue Mage he was able to copy a monster’s attacks permanently. These attacks were Hunger, Hungra, Hungara, and Hungraja. As they hit he began to feel as if he hadn’t eaten in a week and as if he could expire at any moment. Then in the next moment, Fluffy summoned food by using Food, Foodra, Foodaga, and Foodraja. The Coeurl snickered. Now that his prey was hungry he’d have plenty to eat to ensure the biggest meal possible. The catlike creature’s tamers merely sighed.

“Fluffy! You must learn to not play with your food. It could bite you back.” one said scoldingly as they watched the starving Inktail scarf food down his gullet, his infinitely expansive body growing as he consumed the cuisine before him to sate his hunger. It was a matter of moments before he was finished with the fod, his stomach full and looking defensive. Laughing, Fluffy drew near to eat, and that’s when he noticed Inktail’s odd smile.

“Now then...Use Jiggle Fluffy!”

The Coeurl was about to bite him for trying to command him, but instead, found himself obeying against his will. As the spell hit, Inktail was returned to normal and he snickered to himself.

“Good boy...Hmm...What skills do you know?” Inktail asked as he spoke to the creature. Having Beast Tamer skills he could roughly understand Monster Language. He heard Fluffy absently tell him his skillset. Listening, Inktail noticed one that might be fun to use. “Okay boy, use Bake on your masters, kupo!”

Doing as asked, the coeurl sent a bright amber flash of magick towards his original tamers, turning them into cookie versions of themselves, their clothes made of frosting and their bodies of baked goodness. It made Ink himself hungry to see them.

“What is this?! How could you command him?”

“Simple. I was taught how to tame beasts, same as you. Now Fluffy, go give them a nice long licking!”

The Coeurl bounded off to obey, scaring the cookie versions of the Nu mou to flee, effectively neutralizing them.

“Now then there are eight more...Three Seeq and the five Moogle girls.” Ink said to himself as he struggled to his feet. His extra weight was getting to be too much. If he took much more he’d be immobile and at their mercy. Still, he had a mission to do, and if he could move he’d still go on with it.

As he went out, next he noticed another, rather impressive building, one that might serve as the headquarters. Looking into it he arrived and discovered that it was rigged with a variety of traps, wires, holes for needles, even log pendulums. He had to be careful not to trip any. The path before him seemed empty and safe. Following it, he was led to a strange mud filled room that once seemed to have been an arena. There was a raised path, which he currently walked on, and in the center was a well known figure. It was called the Venus, and it had a large bodied female with large curves. Going near to inspect it, Ink smirked slyly and then used Magic Hammer thrice in succession. Each time it hit the Seeq who had been waiting at the ceiling, with a thud the hammer hits made the three corpulent women fall and hit the mud. The mud then magically transformed them into plump, pig versions of themselves. As he looked down at them and sighed.

“Phew! Lucky I noticed them a minute ago, kupo.”

Just then, before he realized it he was hit by five spells. His body growing more massive and heavy. He had become immobile, no longer able to move. Coming from the opposite door was a Fat Chocobo, atop it, holding Gysahl greens was the lead moogle, with the four others on the hefty fowl’s back.

“Well sisters, seems we caught ourselves a cutie, kupo! What should we do with him?”

“W-wait! Wh, who are you, kupo?” the immobilized Inktail asked

“We are the Pink Coven, kupo.” she said, “We are a new group, we discovered the magicks and history of this old city and revived it. It’s a society of decadence and magick, and one we were all suited to, however we don’t like nosy types spying on us. We’ll spare you however if you pass a trial, kupo.”

“What’s the trial?”

Looking up, Inktail saw a giant, gelatinous bear, seemingly made up of a green jello. The girls all snickered.

“Facing this Gummy Bear. Can you beat him?” the moogle on the right asked. Inktail got to his feet, ready to fight.

“Okay!” he said as he tried to use flamethrower. The Gummy Bear roared, but was unaffected. Inktail sighed as his pompom drooped.

“Aw shoot, kupo.”

Before he could think his way out of the situation, the gummybear, somewhat melted, jumped into his mouth and down his throat, utterly filling Inktail’s immobilized body to the brim with food. IT was delicious, but painful and put him out of commission.

Soon, the five Moogles looked at him to see if he was still alive. Weakly, he opeend his mouth and spoke.

“Ugh...Urp. So do I pass, kupo?”

The girls were impressed with Inktail’s voraciousness and willpower. The lead Female Moogle tried not to blush as she flitted to him, barely able to support her porky body with her small wings.

“You pass, kupo.” she said. “I’m Emilia, and you are?”

“Inktail.” he said with a hiccup.

“Well Inktail, you’ve become an honorary Pink Mage apprentice. For now you can’t leave until you’re finished, but we’ll teach you our secrets. Got that, kupo?”

“Huh?! But I need to go back to town. My clan w-”

“Will still be there. Unless you want us to finish you instead. We all pretty hungery, and you would make a great cake, kupo.”

“Um...I guess i could stay here a little longer...” he gulped nervously in agreement (the first of many gulps he’d experience with the Pink Mages), when his belly rumbled. “Can we start with lunch though? I’m starved.” He said, surpriseing even himself.

With a loud fit of laughter, the girls nodded.

“Sure. Just let me call back everyone first.” Emelia said before casting a spell. When it was done, the frog Viera, Cookie Nou Mou, and Pig Seeq members were all together and looking mad. Emelia and her sisters all laughed.

“Oh you guys look so silly, kupo. Let me fix you all up so we can welcome Ink into the fold properly.” she said, undoing all the magics on them before she and her friends magicked up food and ate with the giant moogle. It was the first of many meals they shared together....Whether Ink wanted to or not!

The End

Inktail and The Pink Coven (by Gawayne)


This is an amazing story I commisoned from gawayne ,who is currently still taking story commissions if anyone is interested. Just a warning that this story has lots of fattening and weight gain in it, so if it's not quite your thing then turn around and run as fast as you can.

story by gawayne

Pink Mages and Pink Magick belongs to WoolyMoogle aka kylechimera

Inktail belongs to me

Originally posted on 2013-02-23.

Submission Information

Literary / Other