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Wish You were Here by InfiniteSilence

Wish You were Here


Winter's just the worst, right?

Cold, dry, oppressive...

Why not treat yourself to a break at Silence Seashore, biggest artificial beach in the cosmos1?

Our special sand comes in a rainbow of colors AND is naturally warm. All materials for the beach are sourced from 100% recycled post-rampage worlds; collected from the macro gods and goddesses no longer supporting them2.

It's not just sand, our water is heated too! Our Foxfire™ additives keep the ocean warm and friendly without bleed over into the surrounding waters3.

Not only that, find the wandering concessions cart and you can try our special Stellarcone™; hottest confection this side of an atmosphere4!

It's the ONLY way to spend winter. Put on that skimpy outfit you didn't think you'd get to wear for six months, warp on down to our place, and dig your feet into the pure comfort that only we can provide5.

1 Beach recorded as 'largest' due to extreme size of constructors, proportional to clientele, beach may be quite small

2 Sand obtained without consent. Trace amounts of deities, giants, and apocalypses incarnate may still be found in beach filler.

3 Reports of rapid coral growth, jellyfish population growth, and shark girl growth are unconfirmed and probably unrelated.

4 Consumption of Stellarcone™ not advised for beings who do not meet at least Class X5D or Class Z1X by the STOMP

5 Comfort provided by micros in the sand not actually supported by beach owners; their tendency to worship the paws of any visitors is of their own volition and unpaid.


Sorry about that, Aria seems to have snuck in some kind of advertisement. Well, it IS a nice beach. And it's a nice pic by Yumi Akiyama to boot. Well, to boot isn't the most appropriate. To giant paw? 

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