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Nicole's Valentine Day Card by Immelmann

Nicole's Valentine Day Card


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Nicole wants you to have a happy Valentine's Day this year.

He wants you to relax and let your mind grow quiet - your muscles resting and growing tired, your eyelids growing heavy. He wants you to stare deep into the glow of his eyes, which stare so deep into you...

Nicole wants you to think happy thoughts. Of soft fur, of flowery scent, of warm hands caressing your cheek. Nicole wants you to feel his hips to yours, his lips against yours, his eyes staring ever deeper into yours.

He wants you to feel good. He wants you to feel better than ever. He wants his soft warm body to make you feel happier, safer, warmer than anyone ever could.

He wants you to never let him go.

He wants you to never look away, to never let your thoughts stray. Nicole wants you to think of him, and only him. Only his words, his thoughts, slipping into your mind like the sweet scent of flowers.

Nicole loves you. You kno this. You feel it deep inside you, like a growing warm light. He wants that light to creep across your arms, up though your neck, to your lips, forming the words, "I love you, Nicole".

It slips out of your mouth. You say it again, and again. You repeat it over and over, becoming more true with each repetition.

Nicole wants you to love him. Nicole wants you to obey him. Nicole wants you to worship him.

Nicole would like to kindly ask you be his valentine...


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