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Vampire Skunk (Full Movie) by Iccodypup

Vampire Skunk (Full Movie)


When the sun sets, and darkness falls, strange creatures begin to stir. Tonight, one such creature, Aningar the Vampire Skunk, strolls about, lonesome; feeling rather blue. Until suddenly, the smell of blood tickles his nose. Aha, his latest victim perhaps? Or maybe something all together different? Won't you join us in a night full of adventure? And pizza?
A Cartoonmoviething made mostly in Microsoft Paint (with backgrounds handpainted of course). I've worked hard on this for a couple years now, so I do hope you give it some time and, who knows, perhaps even enjoy it ^_^

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  • Link

    well, that was something. I gotta give some props for having the guts to stick through the entire thing with just Paint, definitely not my tool of choice for animating but if it works for ya' then go to it.
    Anyway, I'm not sure what I expected going in but I think I actually liked it more than I thought I would. There were some pacing issues and I think it probably would have helped to have more than one voice actor, but I laughed and felt some sympathy for the characters. I think a piece of the 4th wall landed in my lap. Overall, I don't regret spending 40 minutes here.

    An ambitious project but congrats for finishing it off! Do you have plans to do another or have you had your fill of being your own production team? :P

    • Link

      Thanks for the kind words ^_^

      I've definitely had my fill of being my own production team xD But, I also don't plan on stopping! I love mostly every part of the process, save for the tedious Microsoft Paint part. Without a doubt, finding some new software is in order, but even more so, I'd love to recruit some help before going into another film; drawing isn't exactly my strong suit. But, even if we can't find any help, we still want to make another!

      There's a few more projects and ideas I wanna explore before that, but Vampire Skunk 2 is certainly on my to do list! Thanks a bunch for showing interest, it really helps our morale! :D

      • Link

        Well if I know anything from my own projects, it's that good help is hard to find ;3
        still, best of luck going forward!

  • Link

    Saw this on your signature in the forums and I gotta second Noxid.
    I clicked it and was instantly put off by the 39 min mark. But ended up watching the whole thing! :D

    The pace is rather slow and a similar story could be told in about 10 minutes. But, on the other hand, part of the humor is how things drag on and everybody uhhs and hmms when talking, making it a bit awkward, a bit self-conscious. Maybe looking for a sweetspot between taking your time and being dynamic would be the next step in your process of writing/editing.

    I think if something kept me going, that was the voice acting. Props on that, the voices had a nice range and I could forget they were the same person once the story caught me.

    I really enjoy the pseudo-language of the demon, by the way, with gibberish and words pulped together.

    I'm faving this in the hope someone may land here. Congratulations for sticking to a project and having this willpower to finish it!

    • Link

      Thanks a bunch!

      Yeah, I agree, the movie could be told in ten minutes, but would certainly have a different vibe to it. I enjoy the pacing; I wanted it to have more of a free-form tone, sort of akin to real life. With enough people mentioning the pacing though, it's definitely going to be on my mind for something to improve upon in future endeavors. ^^ Thanks for the critique!

  • Link

    You guys made me laugh, that's for sure. XD

  • Link

    You did this all in paint! Wow. Similarly, I did not think I would make it through the whole 40 mins. I think the pacing is fine, but then I'm an old people. I like time to digest my pizza.

    • Link

      Thanks! May all your pizzas be delicious and cheesy!