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Ca Va Mal by DeRiften (critique requested)

Ca Va Mal (critique requested)


Welcome to today's SOTD! I'm feeling a bit better but my hair is still sticky and I think it's spreading. Bah, I might need to bleach it like I did as a teen.

Oh well, for the non-Quebecois speakers out there, this song is about a lady-loving guy who wakes up dead (literally, he wakes up with the Grim Reaper knocking at his door). He says he's young and healthy, that it must be a mistake. Grim Reaper says the girl he slept with last night in the bar was the deputy's wife who also happens to be a slutty bitch who sleeps with everybody, and that the deputy's bodyguards shot him in his sleep to avoid a scandal 'cause y'see, it's the elections. The guy then goes to Heaven but tells God that he'd rather go to Hell 'cause he has something he needs to do with a certain deputy. So he waits for forever (times 12) until finally, an angel comes one morning to tell him that the deputy was allowed in Heaven with a distinction for great services to the country. He had friends even in Heaven, so the guy says he's glad he doesn't have wings 'cause even Heaven is corrupt and without justice.

Copyrights @ Mes Aïeux

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