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Star Trek - Drasko by HunterBahamut

Star Trek - Drasko


I decided that it was time to add some color to one of my oldest characters in the Star Trek universe: Drasko.

Drasko is the chief engineer/first officer on Dorgan’s ship, the USS Rubicon and he is a dracon, hailing from the planet Alpha Draconis III (or Thuban as it’s more commonly known).

Drasko’s history is long and interesting, or at least I think so. The original concept for him was that he was named ‘Dan Dragon’ and that he was, well, a dragon and the helmsman onboard the Enterprise-F under the command of Dorgan (this was back in the day when I don’t think there was even an Enterprise-E) (I wish I could get a scan of his original concept back in the day, you wouldn’t believe how bad I was at art back then, heh).

Drasko has stayed with me all this time and over time he did evolve; I gave him a proper name and his look started to change and update a little.
When Star Trek Online was released and I started playing it, Drasko had to be included, but unfortunately the Alien editor in the game is somewhat limited, so I was able to create him, but not as how I wanted him to look.

Eventually I would sit down and actually give him a new and updated look, and voila, here it is, finally in glorious (if not flat) color.

Overall I’m happy with his look. There are a few things that kind of bug me, but those are something I can edit should I get a chance to draw him again.

Paint Tool SAI.

All things Star Trek is (c) CBS.
All things STar Trek Online is (c) Cryptic Studios.
Drasko and artwork are mine.

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Visual / Digital