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Akane and Sumomo are really good friends...(?) by HoneyNutFemios

Akane and Sumomo are really good friends...(?)


For those that don't like looking at scraps, here is a copypasta of the descriptions of the two girls.

The girl on the right is Sumomo Omeboshi. She went through a lot of character changes so went from a snarky rich girl that is easily jealous and attracted to the nerdy and odd Nicholas Perducci to a timid goth chick who is kind of the sidekick character that Syrus Truesdale / Sho Marufuji is with the dash on crushing on people that Blair Flannigan / Rei Saotome does. Because of her previous history, I try to maintain the more well-endowed features of Sumomo that she had in the beginning. So yeah, huge character changes. (Update on this Copypasta, she might have a bit of Mindy / Momoe Hamaguchi as well.)

Akane Ayanami ('Nami' for short) doesn't have as huge of changes. I made her to be the Alexis Rhodes / Asuka Tenjouin expy my brother wanted to protect. Though I tried to make her not as awful as a damsel of distress so also tried to add a bit of a tragic streak. She's a rich girl like how Aster / Edo Phoenix is a rich guy. She lost her parents to a series of corrupt business practices and evil cults and sadly is the sole heiress to the fortune she has. Akane is often willing to accept her fate, much like the latter expy in her character. However, the reason she is being protected by my brother's OC in the original universe is because her boyfriend and her closest companion that she looks up to has been a victim of multiple demon possession attempts made by the same demon, Lucifronz. He wants someone to protect Akane from Lucifronz because the horrible creature himself is unpredictable and could kill her.

The last time I drew them for Furaffinity though was in a crappy sketch involving transforming into cow centaurs. I don't know if that'll ever get lineart and colored but I hope to God it doesn't because that was a bit silly to force the poor girls into something like that without properly introducing them. I might make them cameo in The Boring Hunt but we'll see about that.

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