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-little help- by hollo

-little help-


Originally from July 2012, but I still think it's cute and it shows a bit of their personality sort of

EC and Hollo ~13 yrs old

Non-Canon, but I liked the imagery. things would probably have turned out much differently for EC if he had met Hollo earlier in his life. EC developed gynecomastia during puberty due to an imbalance of hormones. He eventually went on hormone therapy and underwent surgery to remedy it, but until then he wore binders. It was during the treatment that the family learned that both EC and his twin Zeke were intersex (and infertile).

Hollo never subscribed to standard ideals of gender presentation and he wore a lot of skirts when he was a pre-teen and young teen because he liked the way they swished around his knees, the swishier the better. He's very into tactile sensations and sensory inputs so he'd wear whatever made him happy regardless of what society said was 'right'. His parents were highly supportive of him and didn't care much what others thought.

If they'd met at this age EC might never have gotten to be so emotionally distant and detached as he eventually became once he was older.

Both EC and Hollo identify as Genderfluid once they learn the term, although Hollo is the one who expresses it most often.

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    -OH MY GOD- this is just fantastic. I love seeing people play with their characters outside of canon things, and this is just precious as hell

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      AhhhhHHh I'm glad you like it! God I love playing with non-canon (and canon haha) ideas of these two. I think their personalities just play so well together...