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Cryptobang - Legion by hollo

Cryptobang - Legion


Legion is a Blood Deity from Touhdee, the world where Hollo and Ziggy (and friends) live in.

Blood Deities, unlike Deities of the recent era, require blood and/or death sacrifices from their followers. Some are extremely temperamental, requiring frequent scheduled sacrifices, while others only require sacrifices during certain ceremonies or when called upon for certain rituals.

Legion is a top Blood Deity, and she is demanding and temperamental. Those who worship her are called to slaughter for her mercilessly, and often. Her followers often turn to consuming the flesh of the sacrifices, often engaging in cannibalism when sacrifices of their brethren and people are required.

Her requirements are highly demanding and destructive, but her rewards are seen to be worth it - she bestows upon her favorites magical abilities, good fortune, strength of body, and for the very best limited foresight and telepathic abilities.

Legion is rarely worshipped in the recent era of Touhdee, however her powers remain strong as she has many followers across many different dimensions and worlds (though they know her by different names and in different forms).

Hollo and Ziggy will eventually come face to face with Legion after moving to a house, and meeting Sirruh and Dolorous (, as Sirruh is one of her very devoted followers (and because of it, one of her favorites).

Legion’s symbol is a golden cup overflowing with blood, and she is often depicted with skulls (either standing on them, holding them, crushing them, etc). Her colors are deep purple and blood red.

Legion is mine

art by hollo

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