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Rondo and Prince Cerberus by Hedgehodge (critique requested)

Rondo and Prince Cerberus (critique requested)


Two characters that appeared in a dream I had recently

The dream was about a show that was in this 90's action cartoon style and heavily western and kind of reminded me of Justice League somehow.

It had medieval trappings and a science fiction thing going on at once. with Magic and Science things at the same time.

It involved an order of "Knights" who were really powerful warriors and magic-users, and there were 12 of them in all revealed as the show went along. But I didn't get to learn all of them or what their titles were, but they had elemental powers and such.

The first six to be introduced were Knights of Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Light, and Darkness. Most of the order were human save for a few exceptions, such as the Knight of Light, who was an alien or a robot thing (I should have drawn him too now that I realize it) and had a vaguely skeletal motif to his armor (ribs and such) and resembled a Protoss.

The Knight of Fire looked like and had a similar color scheme to The Flash- except he had more thunderbolts coming out of his helmet than the Flash did, and a sort of cape, and I saw him from behind so no word on if he was human either.

The Knight of Darkness (at first) is a guy named Prince Cerberus, who is described as lacking passion, but having a lot of muscle. He has a vaguely dog-like armor with a black and white color scheme- most notably a dome-shaped helmet that had this big jaw piece and two horns sticking out of the top (kind of like a cross between Juggernaut and that one dude from One Piece). Under his helmet he was a Caucasian looking dude with long black hair and kind of reminded me of a metal musician somehow

The Knights elected Prince Cerberus as their leader, and experimented on him by giving him ALL of the elemental powers they had access to at the time (Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Light, Darkness) and they gave him a special badge that had red, yellow, green and blue dots on it to show it

Prince Cerberus went insane and batshit from having the six elemental powers in him at once and they had to destabilize his magical abilities by removing the Element of Light from his magic in order to stop him and subdue his magic.

Prince Cerberus lost his Darkness powers and title as the Knight of Darkness, and gained/found a brand new Element- he gained the element of Heart, which gave him healing abilities and telepathy and a few other things, but his personality changed too- as he familiarized himself with his new powers he became passionate and enthusiastic about everything, and as the Knight of Heart, his armor was the same as when he was a Knight of Darkness, but now it was Lavender instead of Black... In my dream I see the promo materials of the show, which poke fun at his new personality by reminding the reader that his name is pronounced "Care-Bear-Us" for a reason- and tell us that this is the personality Cerberus USED to have sometime well before the events of the show

The title and powers of the Knight of Darkness went unused until later in the series when they are given to a man named Rondo who had relatively weaker magical skills than the others but a lot of wits and cunning. He looked vaguely like Lelouch from Code Geass and his armor as the Knight of Darkness resembled some kind of Darkwing Duck or Batman thing and yeah he was basically full of references to Batman and Noir-y things.

The dream suggests that on the show Rondo is a moody antisocial jerk to everyone but Cerberus and there's a glimpse of a picture of them high-fiving, accompanied with a big "YEAH!!" caption in the background.

So yeah, here's Ronnie and Carebear.

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