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Two worlds, One family by Hashire

Two worlds, One family


cheesy title I know, shut your facial orifice

Drew this picture of me and my mate dressed in our cultures traditional wear. Zeke and I come from two totally different cultural backgrounds and were both very proud of our historical lineage. Zeke, although a born and raised cowboy, is a scotsman by blood and his family name is one of many septs of the Clan MacKintosh. Although he is only recently learning of his clan history, its something he takes great pride in.

I am from a very long line of Spaniards. My maternal family is Puerto rican and my Fathers family is Cuban...but both families trace their roots to span. Although my fathers family history is pretty much lost since the burning of the great library during the french revolution, i know that on my mothers side, my ancestor sailed as the right hand of Cortez in the discovery of the new world.

Zeke and I take great pride in our history. Every year he and I partake in the annual Highland Games and Scottish festival where we enjoy great food, great music, and more culture than our puny mortal brains can handle. And in living so close to my family, zeke is constantly exposed to my culture almost every day and every holiday that we all celebrate together.

Culture is such a beautiful thing, and its something that I love to share and love to learn about aswell. So much fun to be had in discovering onesself!

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    Holyshitglorious o_o

    Maybe some more shading on the white dress?