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Azul and Hush non-human vers by hareteeth

Azul and Hush non-human vers


Azul & Hush This one has grown on me since I've posted it?

But anyway, last time I drew Azul and Hush as NON-human whatsits was, uhhh, 2007? I ACTUALLY CHECKED all my old accountshit and archive for a super specific picture that I may have never scanned but oh just as i write this look it's them in a diff picture (which is not accurate in any way rlly. also I am P. SURE that Hush had blue and Azul had pink hair. they flipflopped)

also I've never really drawn them as anthrocritters since 2002 so idk what they are supposed to look like and that made giving them creatureears kinda hard.

Basically they are my frustratingly unhuman duo that have mostly existed being drawn as humans :E
(azul is a ze + hush is a they)

oh this also from a comment thread on FA:

Azul had the pink hair in the older pic. That's basically why I did it, too hahaha. But then I switched it because??? I think it might be b/c Azul is the more "fem" one but also has more outwardly "masc" traits (taller, more angular) so the blue kinda plays with that contrast? Hush is in reverse, more "masculine" with "femme" physical traits like a softer bod and shorter stature and pink hair. It also pleases my inner children's cartoon writer that "BLUE IS NAMED BLUE B/C BLUE IS BLUE!", but I also think it's kinda ridiculous and was more clever before. ("blue"/"Azul" is just a ridiculous name for a person.)

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