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Doughy Dexter pt2 by Gulliver

Doughy Dexter pt2


Page 2 of a commission for afatwolf

Dex whined but he couldn’t resist such a tasty treat being pressed to his lips. His jaws opened and he consumed it with fading reluctance. Ever since Dexter had confronted Hubba about his fat fetish things had changed between them. The evening had switched from their usual workout routine and a modest meal, to a complete abandonment of the gym in favor of a local buffet. The bull watched with admiration as the wolf cleaned every plate brought before him and only decided to stop once the groans began. He didn’t want to make a scene of his wolf’s gluttony, just test its limits. After all, feral wolves were known for eating up to 30% of their body weight in one meal. Now the snacks were coming out Hubba was really testing Dexter’s resolve, massaging that pregnant looking belly but coaxing more into it as well until Dex finally pushed back, begging the bull to stop.
Once the decision was made to push Dexter along the path of gluttony a little and see how they liked it. The results were obvious and quickly accumulating around the wolf’s once-trim middle. His abs quickly vanished as their date nights revolved more and more around food and less around the gym where they’d met. Hubba seemed to easily maintain his build without the extra gym time and definitely enjoyed stuffing his wolf far more than lifting and cardio.
It wasn’t long before Dexter’s weight spread to the rest of his body, coating his muscles in a growing layer of flab as he gave in to his deeply buried desire to eat. There was something about gorging with his bull’s help that touched the pleasure centers of his brain on a new level. Each time they ate, Dex’s capacity was tested and every morning after, he woke a little heavier. Soon his belly rolled down onto his thighs while standing, then steadily descended toward his knees as the days of gorging stacked up.
Then one morning the wolf climbed onto the scale after a particularly well-fed evening. The frame of it creaked and the numbers flickered. Then there was a loud CRACK and CRUNCH and Dexter felt himself sink an inch lower. An excited giggle made his ears twist back and he looked over his shoulder. Hubba stood in the doorway giggling as the wolf scowled from his spot atop the broken scale.

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