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What to do when your heroes are terrible people? by GuineaPigDan

What to do when your heroes are terrible people?


In light of the abuse allegations against Marilyn Manson, I thought I'd confront the question many other people have asked, what to do when your role models or favorite creators do terrible things? I explain how I became a fan of controversial figures like John Lennon and Manson, and how I deal with the both of them being very talented but also very troubling individuals in their personal lives. And in case anyone is wondering, I won't be taking down my We Are Chaos review. I'd rather not hide that I did that review, however I have added a link on that video to my journal on Manson's abuse allegations. I don't defend Manson's abuse in that review (I actually say he's probably a shitty person irl), and it was mostly about his music rather than his personal life. But I do want to make clear I don't view Lennon or Manson as saints, and I think we as fans should acknowledge their flaws rather than try to pretend they don't exist.

EDIT 4/2/2022 I wasn't aware at the time I made my Manson videos that people who knew Manson have said his 1998 autobiography "The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell" contains exaggerated and fabricated events. If I had known this, I would have been more careful when discussing biographical details about Manson from his book. MansonWiki has a short section on some of the parts of the book that are fabricated.

My journal on Marilyn Manson's abuse allegations:

Audio clean up by WaxBadger:

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