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Tooth and claw by Gruff

Tooth and claw


Well.... funny story... you see what happened was, I never meant to color this sketch. And then. YES. I FAILED. I COLORED IT. OKAY.

So. These are Vasco's parernts Vetis and Lorelai. Don't let this fool you, they actually really really love each other. But when vukar fight, they fight hard. It doesn't help that 'Lai is bigger and fiercer than Vetis.

Backstory time! Oh and if you don't know, vukar do have a “human” shift, which you can read about here

Vetis and Lorelai met while Vetis was still the leader of Sicarientia. Lorelai came down there with her dad (that's another story). She has a thing for dangerous sexy men, so it was no surprise that when she and Vetis met it was like “yes” and they had a one night stand. It was supposed to be a one night stand anyway, especially since Lorelai and Vetis are polar opposites in terms of personality (she's an Aries and he's a Cancer, nuff said) and they didn't really like each other beyond physical attraction. BUUUUUUT when Lorelai's dad Krux bitch slapped Vetis out the leadership position and took over, he ended up assigning Lorelai and Vetis as partners for their missions. Troll move. The basically hated each other and tried to find ways to irritate the crap out of each other, and there were quite a few times they ended up fighting physically although they mostly worked out their frustrations through sexy times. Hence the picture. Eventually they started to bond and their relationship flip flopped to where they began to play to one another's strengths rather than weaknesses. Lorelai is the brawn in the relationship. Given her size and strength, she is the 'tank' in their partnership. She relies heavily on her physical toughness as well as her aggression and it serves her well. Vetis may be smaller than her (in fur, in skin he is taller than her) but he is also smarter and is the strategist between the two. Together, they make a really great team and managed to fly up the village ranks together. It was a few years after they got into a steady relationship that they had Vasco and his siblings. They don't fight this viciously now, but Lorelai does sometimes snap at him and uses him as her punching bag. Its all good though, they're quick to make up.

Vukar belong to me and ~Knichtus and are closed atm.

Lorelai belongs to me, Vetis belongs to ~Knichtus

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