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Zistopia: Inner City Blues: Chapter 2 by Greyhound1211

Zistopia: Inner City Blues: Chapter 2


Well, I guess I'm back. Yeah, the response has been lukewarm at best. I guess I'll toss that up to a lot of reasons. But, I'll at least upload another chapter, to maybe give a little more to go on before I give up forever. I'm going to link the original Zistopia comic below, of course. I haven't gotten any response, so, no angry emails about wanting to write a story set in their universe! Well, here's the second chapter, where things begin to heat up. Hopefully you find this enjoyable! Thanks for stopping by!

Premise: The year is 197-something. Or maybe very early 198-something. It has been roughly 15 years, or maybe closer to 20, since Zootopia has ended forced desegregation. But in the wake of the fences coming down, shock collars have gone up. Predators of any age are forced to wear possibly deadly shock collars. For those like private investigator Jack Quartz, a coyote, this is just a fact of life. For beat officer Jane Brooks, a white-tailed deer, it's just another facet of her job. But when a gazelle is murdered by a predator, questions of bigotry, freedom, inter-species relationships, civil rights, and the natural order begin to arise.

Link to Zistopia, for those interested, set to the very beginning:

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Literary / Story