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pestered serpent by Grebij

pestered serpent


Water-color paint, with ink on it. The "paper" is hot-press cotton, which possibly sounds more exciting than it is. The work is still not great but I didn't spend the last six months lowering everyone's expectations for nothing (in fact I paid for the privilege). This object is approximately four by three-and-a-half inches large (approximate because it is slightly parallelogrammy), produced in an hour or so. Attempts to create things of similar quality at twice the size in proportional amounts of time have not been entirely successful. Howdy.

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Visual / Traditional


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    I have a weird feeling that I might have seen this somewhere before, but that might be because I just woke up and am feeling rather spacey. At any rate, I find this piece really impressive, especially for the size. I love the arms and hands on the dragon, and the horns!

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      I did post it on my tumble page the previous day, and it had been on the queg page for a year, perhaps, when I first pestered you. As for the picture, I was definitely disappointed that I could not replicate the technique! I have a huge bottle of ink that I bought when I thought I would be using a great amount of it, and now I wonder if I shall ever open the thing.

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        ah okay. That makes sense. And as for the ink... maybe do some lino carvings and do prints? I could see that working with your style.