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Lance by Goldenwing



Age: Immortal
Gender: Male
Height: 7'10"
Species: Holy Angel / Dark Angel / Light Wingly / Human Hybrid

Personality.} Lance was once a stubborn and serious young man, but softened up after he was mated to Calandra. As a ruler, he lacks confidence in himself, and gets anxious when dealing with his father. He is a bit of a mama's boy, and likes to be babied by his mother when he's feeling bad.

Bio.} Lance is another one of Kakurine and Bane's children, having been born along side his twin sister: Lilianna. As a child, he was a very stubborn young man, and dreamed of growing up to be a knight. Through most of his childhood, he would constantly be chased after by princess Calandra who had a childhood crush on him. As they both got older, Calandra became more persistent with trying to get him to be her king, though wouldn't get a chance to lay claim to him until after he returned from a battle that took him away from the kingdom for a couple years.

Lance was very reluctant to become king, but as he found he loved Calandra as well, he gave in and took over the throne with her. Sadly, his confidence in ruling would be shattered after an incident took place that ended with his father's heart being stolen by a masked Goldenwing. Chasing after the man with his mother, Lance challenged the Goldenwing for his father's heart, but was tricked into a battle to the death. The Goldenwing man would slip a poison into Lance's breakfast the day of the fight, nearly costing the poor half breed his life if it wasn't for Koodaray stepping in and stopping the match.

Though Lance would return home with his father's heart thanks to Koodaray and Yassai's help, he still would suffer from the aftermaths of the poison after he was cured. He is still the king of the Angelic Kingdom, but longs to retire and hopes to pass the throne to his daughter Willow fairly soon.

Other.} Lance has a silvery marking in the shape of Bane's tattoo that appears on his abdomen when he gets aroused. His stomach has problems digesting certain thanks to the poison, and even puts Lance through terrible pain when he's stressed.

Artwork©: saarl on DA
Character©: Lance goldenwing

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    interesting character

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    I can only imagine how difficult it must be to continuously do that pattern on his feathers
    Wonderful looking character though

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      He's only been drawn with his wings out once I believe. This is that once. Lol

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        Haha still it must have been crazy to do lol

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    He's very gorgeous! I love his pattern, very colorful~

    I'm going to have to go and look through your characters again! I'm slowly starting to learn their stories and the children that comes of them, as I believe I'm seen him before... Was he in a small short comic with his parents at one point? Or was that a different couple? Making sure I have the right couple pictured. I will get this! X3

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