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Zaphkiel Darksky by Goldenwing

Zaphkiel Darksky


Name: Zaphkiel Darksky
Gender: Male
Race: tailgel(<-- totally made that up)
Age: Immortal(born in the medieval/ fantasy era)
Personality: Stern, proper, stubborn, protective, intelligent, loyal

Bio/ past:
Zaphkiel was born in the medieval/ fantasy time era and his family all have been nobles. Though the men in his family didn't have much respect. They all have been rather sleazy and disloyal to their wives. It could of been the fact that my black colored tailgels always have arranged marriages, or the fact that the males in Zaphkiel's family had little to no control. Though since they were very wealthy, they got away with their games. Just had no respect till Zaphkiel's father came around. He was loyal and taught his son, Zaphkiel to be the same way. Than his father passed away and Zaphkiel took over his family's land.

Things started out well for Zaphkiel, he got respect, but to only lose it when Aveline came alone. A young white and black tailgel who had her heart set on Zaphkiel. Love at first sight thing it was for her. She did not care that she was arranged to marry someone else. She kept going after Zaphkiel and to be a gentlemen... he would give her a little bit of his time. Till one day the young woman was in heat(yes my tailgels go into heat. XD), and Zaphkiel leaned he is just like his father and his father before him. No control. Aveline got into his pants and he deflowered her.

Breaking traditions Zaphkiel, now had Aveline's father after him. Thanks to Aveline's begging to be with the love of her life though, saved Zaphkiel, but now he had to marry Aveline right away. Didn't stop Aveline's father from hatting him however and giving him a few scars. Zaphkiel also lost respect from his fellow tailgels and they mocked him. Saying he was just like his grandfather who was a sleazy tailgel. Though Zaphkiel was very loyal to his wife Aveline and stuck by her.

Time would go by and all their friends and family would pass on. Killed in wars, battles, or by sicknesses. They lived through many time eras, till they got to where they are now.

Zaphkiel is an aristocrat now and lives on a large estate. He has a few kids(many have died or were killed over the years) and is still married to Aveline. His life is like a soap opera as he got himself tangled up with the demon mafia. Don Albridge(Jarious an oc of mine), loves to mess with Zaphkiel and thinks they are buddies. Zaphkiel actually really dislikes him but needs the mafia's protection so he puts up with the Don. He is also friends with Don Albridge's mate, Kaycia. His son Jeremiel also has a secret hot love affair with Don Albridge's daughter Cecilia It's a big mess and that is why I call it a soap opera.

Artwork©: Saarl from DA
Character©: Zaphkiel Darksky goldenwing

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    So goregous ^^

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    :'3 I'd read if you added the story, though maybe just one person isn't much. Gorgeous work by Saarl as always

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      On my FA I been adding more detail for my characters. Dopey me returned to my old fa... again... ^.^;;;;

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        :'D I see, time to check my submissions then. I've been bad about that lately. :c

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          lol Understandable. Are you one of those crazy people who watch a ton of people that you can no longer keep track of anyone? XD Or have you jumped boat and been mostly on this site?

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            Ah no, I do watch a good amount of people, but no more than what I can keep track of ^^ I don't get more than 60-80 subs in a day, usually less than 40, so just mostly just because I jumped to Weasyl; still posting on FA but not monitoring as closely anymore.

            Mentioning that I should purge my watch list of dead accounts >>

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              Lol that's a lot to me! I barely have ten subs a day.

              Weasly I lost hope for. It has a lot of members but they are really anti social. I'm always shocked to see a comment on anything I put down. FA I don't agree upon the bullshit going down there but... I can't escape the fact that it's the most active art site out there.

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                x3 well, FA is still a lot bigger. It's also just, the audience, I guess; on a bigger site there's more of a chance to run into humanoid fans than a smaller one since both FA and WZL are mostly catered to anthrofans. ^^ There's quite a bit of artists here posting humanoid work though, so that's at least surprising and pleasant, not like other furry sites where they don't allow humans in adult/nudity. But eh, just use whatever site works for you.

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                  Weasyl I heard was actually suppose to be more human friendly than fa was. Than the furries took over. Weasyl attracted a very quiet crowd. I don't watch hardly anyone on here since as you know... I don't like yaoi and don't get along with artists who majorly do. I now avoid certain types of artists and people to avoid anymore drama. My trust is also still very low. Its rare I pay an artist anymore before they finish or at least show me a wip.