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Sarkis by Goldenwing



Age: Immortal
Species: Goldenwing

Personality.} Sarkis is a very cunning and vengeful Goldenwing. He doesn't hesitate to resort to underhanded tactics to give himself an advantage over his enemies. Sarkis can also be rather protective over his family, as well as the Fire Wingly women he helped free from slavery.

Bio.} Back during the Goldenwing War, Sarkis was a soldier fighting on the front lines against Bane's army. The battle did not go well however, as Sarkis suffered cut down his whole face and had his throat ripped open in the attack. Presumed dead, his body was eventually thrown onto a pile of Goldenwing corpses. However, Sarkis managed to survive, the feathers from his fallen comrades healing his wounds enough for him to hold on. The attack left him barely able to speak, as his throat did not heal all the way. He still has immense pain when talking to this day.

After the war was over, Sarkis began to travel around, seeking out other Goldenwing survivors to begin rebuilding a small army. He became a more cunning fighter, and learned how to use poisons to take down his enemies more efficiently. As his army grew, he came across a slave market where a group of Fire Wingly females were being auctioned off. Sarkis and his men killed the slavers and freed the Fire Winglies, who in turn offered to cook for the men in order to repay them. The head chef in particular, Maera, took an extreme liking towards Sarkis. She became his devoted fan girl, and cooked every meal for him.

Many years later after Sarkis built a strong enough army, he launched an attack against Bane's army and succeeded in ripping Bane's heart out of his chest. Satisfied with killing the Goldenwing killer, he returned back to his home and took Maera as his mate at last. However, Sarkis had no idea that Bane had a family. Kakurine and her son Lance chased after Sarkis in order to retrieve Bane's heart, attempting to steal it back from him so Bane could be brought back to life. The thieving attempt failed, and Lance challenged Sarkis to a duel for the heart. Tricking Lance into a battle to the death, Sarkis had one of the Fire Winglies poison Lance to gain an advantage in the upcoming fight.

The battle was stopped by the Goldenwing prince: Koodaray. Forced to give Bane's heart and the antidote to Lance's poison to Bane's family, Sarkis felt betrayed by the royal family and vowed to get revenge against them. After viciously attacking Yassai, Sarkis fled the empire to become the general of a rebel kingdom. To this day he remains an enemy to the empire and causes trouble for the royal family when he gets a chance for revenge.

Other.} Sarkis keeps his face covered with a mask at all times. The only one who gets to see him without it is his mate, Maera. Due to the scar on his throat, Sarkis speaks in a very rough and raspy voice, which can only be soothed by drinking a special tea.

Artwork©; Saarl from DA
Character©; Sarkis Gold goldenwing

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Visual / Digital