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Isaac Frost Ref by Goldenwing

Isaac Frost Ref


Age: Immortal
Species: Ice Demon

Personality.} Isaac is a conman. He's very greedy and lusts over having a large amount of gold. In fact, you could say he loves gold a little too much. Isaac has a very care free attitude, unless someone dares steals from him. Despite that Isaac has a rather silver tongue, he's also not too bright at times.

Bio.} Isaac is a traveling merchant with a strong obsession and lust for gold. He's been known to con people out of their money by tricking them into paying more than what they should for what he's selling to them. He's even made the mistake of outright stealing from the wrong people before, such as a witch who ended up cursing him so that he turns into a powerful ice sword if he isn't wearing the pendant around his neck.

While selling some winter clothing before a big storm was coming, Isaac would be approached by a Water Wingly woman named Eliya. Eliya was in heat at the time and had no one to help tend to her. However, Isaac noticed that she seemed rather flustered, and ended up giving her a new cloak for free in exchange for her staying the night with him in his cart. Eliya agreed to his offer, relieving her heat with Isaac, and deciding to stick around for the remainder of her heat.

The two traveled together and began to grow closer, as one day Eliya was surprised to find that she had become pregnant with twins from Isaac. Never once even thinking of leaving her behind, Isaac and Eliya ended up becoming mates and started raising family together. They still travel around to sell various wares and goods, with Eliya crafting winter clothes and Isaac handling the customers. Isaac still gets into trouble sometimes, such as sneaking into treasuries to bask naked in gold, but he now has Eliya to try to pull him out of it before he gets too over his head.

Other.} Isaac has a true demon form that he transforms into when he needs to fight or when he's very angry. He also changes into it to seduce his mate who has a strong kink for that form of his. Isaac has a habit of carrying around a gold cock ring in his pocket, and loves when his wife puts it on him.

Artwork©: luciana-lu

Character©: Isaac Frost goldenwing

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Visual / Digital