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Belonging Chapter 43 by Gnosis

Belonging Chapter 43


After everybody had heard Vern’s overwhelming report to Grix, the wolf began rounding up a patrol to attack Riter at the border.
While the entire camp was going up to Grix and volunteering to be the ones who went to the border, I looked around for Meelo. Then, I remembered that he had guard duty. He might still be there.
I left the large crowd of Kyan and went in search of my boyfriend, but, when I arrived at the edge of camp, I couldn’t find him. Where was he? Was he in the crowd at Grix’s hut? Maybe.
Just as I was about to turn around and walk back, my eye caught something in the snow. I faced towards the woods again and took a few steps forward, while keeping my eyes on the ground. There, in the snow before me, was a trail of blood drops and two different sets of tracks. One trail was made up of bare paw prints that came into camp, while the second trail had been created by moccasins and went into the forest.

No. Meelo wouldn’t do something so stupid. Would he? I guessed that he could have, since he was always worried that the Kreq would hurt me, especially over the past few days. Maybe after seeing Isabel, he feared what would happen to me and ran off to go kill Riter.
I had to go after him. If he died, I never would be able to forgive myself.
Quickly, I followed Meelo’s tracks and ran into the woods ahead.

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