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Trick or treat by Ghostbear

Trick or treat


They were almost ready. Both Kuraiko and Sascha were fidgeting around while getting dressed, straining at their metaphorical leash to go. But first things first.
Before they were allow to leave the brothers got changed into some comfy, poofy padding and then into their costumes.
While Kuraiko was posing as a cute fairy witch with a pointed hat, stockings and skirt that could not hide his adorable pink striped padding, Ghosty had chosen a vampire outfit.
Not a sparkly Twilight vampire but an elegant lord of darkness. Well, as elegant as a little kid in a vampire costume with the waistband of his diaper stilcking out can be. Grinning he made a big show out of showing his surprisingly sharp little teeth.
Even their plushie companions, placed into their bag, had their own outfits. Sammy the lynx was dressed up as a bat and Minoru the tiger was wearing a tiny witch hat himself.
"Can we go now? Can we? Can we? Can we?"
"Sure you can. Just be careful, watch out for another and stay in this part of town. And make sure to be back at eig..."
Hand in hand both cubs stormed off squealing with delight. They reached the first door and rang the doorbell.
"Trick or Treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat!" ^__^

Megaadorable art, done by the talented and extremly friendly   toddlergirl
Thaaaaaank you, Gemma ^°
I really love how you drew our little fluffballs ... and the scene is very cute. And the lighting is great. ^

art by toddlergirl
black kittyfluff and Minoru by  kuraiko
silly bearkittyfluff and Sammy by me