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Brotherly love by Ghostbear

Brotherly love


No story this time.
Maybe I will add one later, once I can think about one ^.^'

But this is a special brotherly 'I love you' to my closest buddy and little bro   kuraiko
(You might have noticed that our fursonas switched plushies this time ^^ Kurai is holding my lynx Sammy and I'm holding his tiger Minoru)

We might not share the same blood IRL, but you are he closest thing I have to a brother.
Thank you for always being there for me ... even in the most shitty of times.
Thank you, Kurai.
Love you! (in a brotherly way ... you know what I mean ^^' )

Awesome and adorable and very emotional picture ... done by the amazing   operationfluff. Thank you for the outstanding work!

(And I can only add that I have a bunch of really really awesome friends, close friend who are always at my side and I would not know what to do without you people. Wish I could get a picture for all of you. Please don't feel diminished that I only got one for my bro)