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13 fursuit wip by gekkota

13 fursuit wip


my first attempt at a fursuit! im pretty dang proud
gonna be uploading some pictures of the paws and head separately

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Visual / Other


  • Link

    This is absolutely fantastic and impressive for a first time suit. Hell it'd be impressive if it was professionally made! She's so cute I mean really.
    Are you gonna leave her a partial or some day make a full suit out of her?

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      Thank you very much!! I would love to make a full suit for 13 but that probably won't happen until I make enough money off of commissions to complete the suit. I basically had an agreement with my parents that I could have enough money to buy supplies for a practice partial so I can make and sell them, and when I make enough money off of those I'll start making things for myself again, including the rest of 13

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        Oh do you take commissions then? If so where could I find those prices.

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          I don't really but if you really want to commission me now then you still can. I'm waiting for a time when I'll be out of school for a while to "officially" take fursuit commissions (this summer) but before then I'm planning on doing another practice head for around 200$. However since nobody who is experienced with fursuits has handled my head I don't know if it's up to par as far as internal construction goes. The commissioner would have to be ok with me working at my own pace and kind of being a test subject.