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-Lady Belchicorn- by GatorBuns

-Lady Belchicorn-


Lady Rainicorn one day was going through the castles storage area, and found a bottle of delicious fizzly soda~! She took a swig, and couldn't help but chug the entire thing. Afterwards, Lazy let out a soft belch, blushing as she noticed she finished hte large bottle. The rainicorn found a whole box of them, in fact a few boxes! There was enough to fill a pool... but she was disappointed to find out they had expired last week.

Of course, so far Lady noticed no side effects to the expiration date, not even with the taste.. and since Bubblegum would most likely toss the soda into the river due to its expiration, Lady helped herself. She chugged and chugged the soda, gulping each one as she noticed a bulge on her stomach. she giggled and kept chugging, belching and hiccuping as she grew.

Soon enough, she was too full to move as she reached for more but barely was able to grab as much as she could. Her mouth let out tons of belches and hiccups, almost constantly as they were bubbles leaking from her. She gurgled and glorped, as the belches were heard throughout the castle! Of course, she still could reach the soda if she tried hard enough...

Soon enough though, Bubblegum found her and was quite disappointed in the Rainicorn for her gorging... She would have to be the princesses personal chair until Lady returned to normal. Thankfully, Bubblegum had her own headphones in case Lady was in a belching fit~

This is boots fault he got me into drawing Lady.

That butt. But I am happy with how it came out even though shes quite short in this picture.. just ignore that u3u

Hope you all like it~ Expect more lady soon!

Lady Rainicorn © Cartoon Network/Adventure Time/ Pendleton Ward

Art © SpazzyHyena

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