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Midnight IV by GameFreak38

IV: Operation: Roadblock

    "You really think Midnight is ready for combat operations?" Reaver asked as he and Carver exited headquarters.
    "I don't see any reason why he shouldn't be on his first mission right now.  He passed basic training within two and a half weeks with flying colors."
    "Impressive, but how does that stack against Edge?"
    Carver grinned as he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket.  "The results are what I hoped for.  In every category, Midnight proved to be far superior compared to what Edge did.  Of course, his training is not even remotely close to being complete," Carver remarked as he gave the paper to Reaver.
    He scanned the paper, absorbing the notes that Carver wrote down.  "A lot of these have to be base records now."
    "Indeed they are.  The fact that Midnight already had great mental and physical abilities upon the end of his transformation left command ecstatic."
    "Thus, the project is safe."
    "For now.  Him and the other two must continue their development.  So long as Midnight and the rest do what I wish, then this project will bring the rewards desired."


    "Listen up.  Echo Squad, we are near the target.  I just got word from command that the convoy has stopped for a moment so that Red Eye may conduct its weapons deal.  This is the perfect time to strike," the squad leader. Master Sergeant Bryce Cameron announced.  "I know this is your first combat operation, but I trust that you all will do just fine."
    "Sir, do we know who Red Eye is working with out here?" Private Langston asked.
    "It hasn't been confirmed, but HQ believes that they are meeting with a gang from Xer.  Coincidentally, another squad has been dispatched to assist local authorities in an operation to raid their base of operations outside of the city and capture the members inside."
    "Talk about putting them in a vice," Private Leonard remarked.
    "Precisely.  The less clients that Red Eye can work with, the better.  Just follow my orders and we'll be back at base in no time."
    Midnight was silent, but took in all the details.  He checked his M16 one last time to make sure it was ready as the vehicle slowed to a halt.
    Everyone exited the vehicle and regrouped at the side of the road.
    "Follow me, keep the chatter down," Bryce instructed in a nearly silent tone.
    The squad stayed in formation as they entered the forest.  "I can already hear them," Leonard whispered.
    "So, they weren't stupid enough to make the deal on the roads,'" Bryce remarked as he turned off the mounted flashlight of his rifle.
    "As long as they are not aware of our presence, this doesn't change a thing," Midnight remarked.
    "Indeed,  Let's keep the element of surprise intact.  Stay low, use the night to our advantage."
    The group continued being as quiet as possible in order to not arouse any suspicion.  The lack of visibility proved to be a bit of a challenge however, as Leonard ended tripping a couple times, stirring a few birds from their nests.
    "Leonard!  You need to stay coordinated!" Bryce announced.
    "Apologies, sir..."
    Ten minutes passed before the group found themselves overlooking the transaction in progress.  Several Red Eye guards surrounded the perimeter, armed with SMGs.  An officer and a gang thug were discussing the deal near a small fire.  Using his binoculars, Bryce could see them exchanging a large bundle of cash, symbolizing that the deal has been completed.  The two were shaking hands when Bryce released the optics, allowing them to continue hanging on his neck.
    "We best hurry.  Midnight, flank them from the side.  The rest of us will distract them."
    The fox nodded and quickly departed for the right flank.  The other three watched and waited until he moved into position, which was dangerously close to the camp.
    "Leonard, Langston, throw a couple of flashes."
    The two did as instructed; the pins were pulled and the grenades were lobbed into the camp.  Langston ended up throwing his in the face of one of the guards, startling him before it went off.  Everyone gripped their heads and struggled to regain their composure.
    Midnight opened fire, taking down a few of the guards before they finally noticed what was going on and took cover.
    The guards started to return fire in Midnight's direction, seeing his silhouette in the dim light that reached to his part of the forest.  He dove into the dirt, narrowly missing the attacks.  Bryce and the others started using suppressing fire to allow Midnight to make a move.
    He didn't though; instead, he took a grenade from his belt and lobbed it across the camp.  When it exploded, a guard flew out of the trees and back into the camp.
    Still, the guards managed to fire in both directions, actually striking Langston in the arm.  He dropped his rifle before collapsing in pain.
    "Stay low Langston!  We'll take care of you when we are done!" Bryce yelled.
    The firefight raged for about another minute before Midnight shot down the last two guards with precision headshots.  He rose from the brush, silence creeping in again.  The fox held his weapon close as he investigated the camp for anybody else.  Things appeared clear, so he gave the nearby squadmates a signal.
    Leonard stayed behind to take care of Langston's wound while Bryce approached Midnight.
    "Somehow you cheated death, but you did well."
    "Thank you, sir," Midnight remarked while he started to pick up some of the bills that scattered around the site.
    Bryce placed a hand on the side of his head as he began to communicate through his headset.  Once done, his hand returned to its place.  "Command wants us to wait here until a transport truck arrive.  The soldiers on it will be on site within ten minutes.  All we can do is search for anything else that will be of use.  Carver will be glad to hear how his star project did on its first combat operation."
    Midnight nodded.  "Just doing my job."
    "A job that you are destined to be great at according to your officer.  Once we return, I'll see to it that you get promoted to Corporal."

Midnight IV


Part four of six.

Midnight's first combat operation. I'll admit that I am still not particularly happy with how this part came out in the end.

Submission Information

Literary / Story