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Toxic fish by Galaxyqueen

Toxic fish


Finally a promise I follow through on. Valita’s species’ sheet, I’ve had this species in the works for years oh my god. Not too much changed with them though, maybe a little tweaks here and there but overall I didn’t think the designs or concepts needed much fixing. Ok on to the species info:

Homeworld: Aquatos

Species: Temizin

Height: 6’11-8’6 (Males), 7’2-9’4 (Females)

Weight: 287-372 ibs (Males), 368-476 ibs (Females)

Lifespan: 150 years

Habitat: Found in the Solana galaxy, Aquatos is a planet comprised entirely of water that is home to various different species of undersea life. It is also a highly advanced world comprised of undersea bases for each species to reside in as well as a resort and transport system for air breathing visitors.

Diet: Omnivorous

Language: While they do speak standard intergalactic they have also developed their own language that sounds similar to Swedish.

Intelligence and emotional capacity: Like humans, they possess advanced cognitive skills (things like social intelligence/planning and reasoning) and a prefrontal cortex.

Political system: Liberal Democracy

Classification: Federal Republic

Religion: Believes in a creator goddess simply referred to as “Mother”, though atheism is quickly becoming prominent within their society.

Extra: - Mostly female dominated society
- No longer interact with outsiders after Nefarious’ war against the galaxy
- Females’ toxicity effects range from paralysis to death depending on the potency

Aquatos, Nefarious, Solana galaxy (c) Insomniac games

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