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FW911 Character Reference Chart by FurryWrecker911

FW911 Character Reference Chart


This was an absolute bear of a project. I have an assortment of characters I've amassed over the past 10 years but never took the time to draw them all in reference pose until now. This took about 7 months of on-and-off work. Some characters being revamped to better fit their real world fur patterns, others being fleshed out beyond simply what their species is, and bug fixes. Oh so many bug fixes. All the offset pixels drove me mad.

I want to at some point in the distant future write up longer bios than the snippits that already exist on here and past em here. This has just eaten more time than I have available at the moment, and I do not have any left to spare. The main goal was to get the fur patterns and colors down on paper so I can just grab them from 1 file instead of 5 different ones from now on, and the goal has been met. Good enough! :D

Fun lil notes:
-Tekky, Zeyo, and Shanon were the original trio from 2010. Their fur patterns haven't changed but their personalities have
-Rekshep was the result of coming up with alternate fursona designs. Rekbun and Rekbirb have also been experimented with
-Donavik and Terry's fur patterns used to be a basic tan
-Holly is the unofficial mascot of a car club I moderate. She was also made out of spite to poke fun at a hard-*** in the scene
-Jessamine was my first CSP character sketch
-Thomas was inspired by NotGlacier's Raik
-Abigale was born through the Cheetah Girl Challenge in 2015
-This is the first piece I've ever drawn of Chris. Been wanting to give Aby a squirrel BF. It's oddly fitting
-Razor is another result of a sketch that I want to develop a character off of
-Jennifer is my token edgy character
-Nicole is possibly the most under-developed character I have on this list
-Baily and Clover were the result of me going "I want a raccoon character and a horse character" in the same breath, then some neuron firing off yelling "ship them"
-Ron was one of the first characters I drew when I got a tablet in late 2010
-Tess is another new character on the roster. I wanted a wolf with a more grounded fur pattern
-I ended up nixing several potential permanent characters from the lineup due to reusability, and the size of the chart getting too large
-On the flipside, Rekshep, Chris, and Junietta were late additions
-Characters with new fur patterns: Donavik, Terry, Thomas, Nicholas, Bailey, Ron, Janie

-Done in SAI2
I never want to have to touch a reference sheet for another year at least :v