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Bishka the Templar by furmaster

Bishka the Templar


I was raised in a small German village. My father was a crusader. He went on two crusades in the holy lands, on his second one, all that came back was his sword. Two years later I was out with my uncle (the town blacksmith) hunting in the woods. I was assailed and bitten by a cursed wolf. My mother and fryer Olaf did there best to keep me secret, but eventually due to murmurings the local bishop conducted an inquisition. I was found and retreated to the woods.

For two years I was chased by hoards of friends and family, knights from the local lord attempted to prove themselves by slaying me, and the Church sent Templar's to dispose of me. It seemed every time livestock was found slain, sickness struck, or someone was beaten by bandits I was blamed, and hunted.

Then it happened Things got worse, virgin daughters started missing, farms were burned, whole families gone in the night. People with sickness, hallucinations, mothers killed there firstborns, and daughters killed there fathers. thereafter it was confirmed, a great sorceress inhabited the mountain to the South. The local lord sent forth his knights, and but a few returned. Then the church sent a company of former crusaders to end this heresy.

My uncle and fryer Olaf approached my small hut in the woods, and beseech me to give them aid. My uncle produced some armor he said he had been laboring over sense the beginning of these troubled times. I was reluctant, I to am a cursed beast, disdained by God and man, why should I help. But fryer Olaf said "Your father was a great man, honorable, and courageous. God dose not judge what you are on the outside as man dose, but by your inward heart and actions, through all the scorn and stones thrown toward you, you have yet to raise your hand against mankind." Fryer Olaf then pulls out my fathers sword and says. "Go forth and continue your fathers good work."

As I clime the mountain I came across all manner of abomination, and crusaders succumbed to all manner of heresy. I approached the center of the mountains, and beheld the sorceress. A pale woman, with a sinister grin. I drew my fathers sword, as in a black cloud the sorceress transformed into a horrid serpent, with a mouth like fire. The creature lunged for me as I drew back my fathers sword. I prayed a chance to prove myself to God and man.

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