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The anguish of emotion that refuses to end by furaligned

The anguish of emotion that refuses to end


It felt like a bomb that one just sat on, never knowing when it would go off finally and hurt myself and friends if I didn't figure out where to toss it before.

I'd realized last year that I'd gotten obsessed. I think I'm getting little better by now finally, but at times it was tough. I wanted the brain power and time back from the irrationalI knew to be unhealthy and distracting, but at the same, I was the same person suffering from it. I was convinced I had no one really to speak to about it. I feared my friends' rejection for speaking about it. Then this last January I cracked and confessed. There was no annihilation I'd convinced myself that would follow had I failed to contain it. It was just a devil I'd painted all across my walls.

This picture was begun back last November but I perhaps spent less than ten hours total or so on it of active work.

If it looks funny to you I applied a mostly transparent paper texture over the final work as DIY anti-scraping feature.

Sergals and Vilous (c) Mick39

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