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Sword On The Moon - V10 Series by Frostridge Dragoone

Sword On The Moon - V10 Series

Frostridge Dragoone

C.S.D.F. Hazardous Materials Team 05 report 88302
Year 10mil BC
Time 06:22:00 PM

A report filed by CSDF's Hazmat Team 05 reports they have discovered a weapon of alien origin on SOL-3's moon, landing on the lunar surface they begin to alien the blade to discover the materials are from outside this quadrant and possibly from outside the Universe 010-229 spectrum of materials.

The grasp, hilt, and pomle is reported to be made of a substance that that is light as areo-gel and harder then there own bentanium armor allow deployed on spider-bots and mechsuit gear and under examination looks to be honeycomb like in nature while the blade itself is reminiscent of long nodochis made of a red metal not found anywhere in the SOL system or Milky Way.
It is approximately 6.88848 meters in length and emitting a glow of red light from within the blade it self.

This maybe magic in nature or technology of advanced degree from were ever it comes, near the blade were found small strands of what appears to be fur or hair, we can only guess this maybe of a canine like species of alien , why they left this weapon here is a mystery we will later uncover.
The footprints left behind seem to indicate this species is 15 to 30 foot in height.

C.S.D.F. Hazmat Team 05 Unit 56.

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