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You Saved me by FrostedScales

You Saved me


he finished product! and now for the backstory to this image.

A young merchant traveling from his provence to the next is delivering medicine to a far off town. However the only route to the town is a merchant passage that has been overrun with bandits. the leader is a beautiful reptilian woman. As he traveled the path the bandits made their attack in hopes of scoring loot and food. However, the bandits met a fatal end as the merchant happened to be a spellsword. The bandits were killed all save for one, the leader. She lay on the ground fatally wounded and passed out, neat death as the young spellsword left her to die. However he came back for her, feeling guilty that he had killed her friends and injured her so, just because they needed food an money. As he went back to attempt to save her a winter storm blew in, forcing them to take shelter into a cave. in which they were frozen inside. He sacrified some of his medical supplies to save her. Tossing away her bloody and mudstained clothes he wrapped her in blankets and kept her beside the fire until she regained consciousness. He kept her fed and changed her bandages. Soon the two fell for one another as they cuddled for warmth in the night.