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InfTree by Frooxius



Christmas 2011 drawing - part of collection "Christmas with science"

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Visual / Digital


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    So why exactly isn't this called "Infinitree?" :P

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      It's a technology reference, where infinity is often denoted by shortened "Inf"

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    Shame it wouldn't work :P

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      Why do you say so? What do you even mean by "work"?

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        Do I actually have to answer that question?!

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          Yes, I would very much like that. I'm fan of logic and reasoning and prefer proper supporting arguments (which can be refuted) as opposed to bold unsubstantiated statements, especially when I happen to disagree with them.

          Or you can just see the comment I made below, in case it's the same point you wanted to make.

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    Infinite = no bigging no end , not a massive cunt of tree stuck in a portal. If chel's head is stuck in a portal it doesn't make her Infinite.

    two , A tree need's root's to live , sun light and all the other things so technically this wouldn't work even if portals worked in your stupid way

    you step into one side and jump out another you do not make an infinite loop

    It's kinda bad you have to ask someone why this shit wouldn't work

    so really , it's just a single tree with it's stump hidden -.- and honestly IF a tree looked like that I would be very much scared , also a little tip copy and past is a very very lazy and shit way of doing this kind of work ,

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      I'm afraid that your assertions aren't true.

      All your "arguments" are based on an assumption about the meaning of the "Inf" in the name. An assumption that is completely incorrect, therefore making all the arguments wrongful as well.

      1) The meaning of "Inf" is simply a reference to the seemingly continuous image of a tree. Like when you put two mirrors facing against each other, the image seems to repeat to almost infinity. Similar here, if you looked through the portals, the tree would seem to repeat itself almost infinitely. And that's the second part of the reference - shortened "inf" is often used in the technical to denote infinity, for example in the IEEE 574 standard for floating point numbers, when the numbers gets too large for the given datatype to hold, they "flip" into infinity.

      Consider the single (32b) precision floating point number: 3.402823E+38 is the maximal positive value it can hold. Try applying multiply operation by two for example and you get 1+inf as a result. Obviously the actual result would be infinitely far from infinity, but fixed precision datatypes can't do that, so they work in this way, so this led me to the use of "Inf" in the name of the picture, as the seemingly infinite repetition of the image of the tree so it can "flip" into infinity, as explained above.

      Therefore, your first argument is wrong, since the "Inf" refers to the seemingly infinite repetition of the "Image" of the tree, instead of the tree itself - that was an assumption on your side and has nothing to do with the actual intended meaning.

      2) This point is already proven wrong, as I've explained above, it refers only to the seemingly infinite repetition of the image of the tree, not the tree itself and it doesn't require the tree to survive infinitely long. But anyway: Ever heard of plastic Christmas trees? Could be one of those and I'm sure these don't need roots nor sunlight. But that's totally irrelevant to the argument.

      What's really bad is that people make unsubstantiated arguments and argue based on their own misinterpretations and assumptions, instead of hard factual data and even feel the need to use degrading words like "stupid", which could easily turn around and apply to their persona instead.

      The only fair point is about copy/paste, I agree it doesn't look very good that way (to my defense I kinda did it in large hurry, since I was very short on time and I cared more about the idea, but that obviously doesn't make it look good) and I thank you for that portion if your comment :3