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A Change in Life - Kitsune Transformation Page 1/4 by FoxLightning

A Change in Life - Kitsune Transformation Page 1/4


I am going to attempt to write short TF stories with my sequences from now on to make it more interesting. This is my first one so don't expect anything great.

Hope you enjoy.

It was a late summers eve I was walking home from a long day’s work, it was beginning to get late so I decided to take a shortcut home through an old pass in the woods. I had taken it many times before it was a rather scenic pass you could hear every chirp from the birds, the leaves rustling in the wind…… Well that is normally what you could hear only this time something was wrong it was silent and still not even a breeze. I stopped in my tacks when I heard something rustling in the grass, I could see something like a flash of red darting back and forth from tree to tree. Until with a sudden flash in front of my path it stood……or more so floated a red spirit like creatures its body crimson red it’s eyes a burning golden yellow. It let out a ferocious growl then suddenly with great speed darted towards me I instinctively held out my hand in an attempt to stop it but my eyes widened as the creature passed right through my hand and into my body.

A short TF sequence done by :iconaggrobadger: Posted with his permission

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Visual / Digital