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Growing Pains Godzilla Transformation (+ Story) - Page 1/5 by FoxLightning

Growing Pains Godzilla Transformation (+ Story) - Page 1/5


A very different TF from my usual stuff, and one I really enjoyed and you will definitely see more of as I expand my TF range.

A glowing rock clearly I can step on it my flip flops will protect me!

Vacation time! The best time of the year of course and I had a great trip planned to, I was off to Japan for a week! I was so excited to finally get there to take in the different culture see all the sights and sounds plus being a nature buff and enjoying history as well I was also excited to check out the local wildlife and some of the ancient ruins. I was a country boy at heart so I found myself a nice little inn outside of the city to stay, a much quieter little village more simple life which was great to see, it was almost like going back in time. I was exhausted unfortunately from my flight and wanted to head to bed early so I could get a full day in tomorrow.

Morning came and it was hot and muggy “I should have come here during a better season” I mumbled but oh well, I put on a pair of camouflage shorts, muscle shirt, and flip flops, I figured the less clothing the better today. I loaded up a backpack with water, camera, pair of shoes, snacks, and whatever else I might need for the day. My priority for the day was to check out those ruins near the base of the mountain, this I was most excited to see. So I headed out of the village using my map and finding the old country dirt road that was supposed to lead to them. After hours of walking I came to chain link fence blocking off the road, my Japanese not being very good… or hardly existent all I could really make out what was being said…… road close…… something to do with earthquakes.

Well I was not going to let something like that deter me I came all this way and I had enough stuff packed to keep me going for days and overnight if necessary so I slipped around the fence and continued down the path. Several hours went by with no sign of where I was supposed to be I was getting frustrated and tired I must have picked the wrong path at some point, finally I had to give up on my map skills and bring out my trusty GPS to confirm ……yes I was way off I was taking the long way around the base of the mountain to get to them but I was on the right track. It was getting dark but I figured if I could make it there I could find shelter for the night to make it totally worth it I could have a whole day tomorrow to spend there.

I took out my flashlight and continued on the mountain trail you could start to see where the earthquake had done damage sharp jagged rocks sticking out of the side with boulders along the path, nothing I could not slip past though. I was getting excited to see the ruins I knew I was getting close I remember reading about them how they are a scientific mystery it was a strong and proud civilization that overnight was destroyed and disappeared, no one knew how, earthquake, volcano, flood it was still a mystery to this day.

I could tell I was getting close as there were old pillars/markings along the path marking a gate or entrance to the lost city, but something caught my eye, sticking out of the rock side was a small green glowing rock, it shined bright in the darkness. I walked closer to it and reached out to touch it immediately I felt a jolt of energy rush into my arm and the glow disappeared from the rock. The energy rushed up my arm into my head, I felt woozy and my mind felt clouded and even for a second it felt like something was there but then it dissipated. I shook my head in confusion “what was that all about?!?!” then shrugged it off and continued until I finally reached the ruins.

It being dark made things hard to see but I made my way towards the center of the once city, passing by old structures with drawings on the walls one looked like a big lizard and people running, could this be a god or something? Everything was very weathered but something caught my eye I could see something glowing in the middle of a structure, there was a small square around it like leftover foundation, trees had grown up through most of the ruins, but in the center of it all there was a huge rock glowing a bright green the ground was disturb around it like the force of the earthquake pushed it up out of the ground, it was similar to the one I touched earlier only massive it was 3 times the size of my body.

As I gazed at it the strange feeling I had when I touched the last rock began to return clouding my mind and almost hypnotizing me. I dropped my bag and began to walk towards it my thoughts all focused on getting closer to it. It seemed to be drawing me in until I was only a meter away. Hypnotized I stared deeply at the rock as the glow pulsated and moved, my leg began to lift itself up my blue flip flop dangling from my toes then it began to descend towards the rock, I finally broke myself out of the hypnotic trance but it was too late my eyes widened as my foot set itself down onto the rock.

I stood there frozen for a second waiting for me to explode from radiation or something, but nothing happened at least not until I tried to lift my leg. It would not budge it was like I stepped on fly paper. I grabbed my leg with both arms and tried to pull it off with no luck. I began to feel a strange energy work its way into my foot and up my leg, my toes began to twitch and spasm, and then they suddenly began to…to….grow my eyes widened as my toes started to spill over the edge of flip flops except for my small toe which seemed to be disappearing. “What’s happening!?!?!” I said shocked.

I began to panic as my nails turned to razor sharp black claws, and dark green scales started to cover my expanding foot, thick black pads began to push out of the bottom of my foot and toes. My poor flip flop could not take the pressure and snapped from my expanding foot. My toes began to wiggle and stretch but I was not doing it, I tried to stop it but I had no control over my foot, it was as if something was waking up and taking it over!

Artwork by: :iconaggro_badger: all credit to him posted with his permission.
Story by me

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Visual / Digital