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If I was a reindeer... by foxfeather

If I was a reindeer...


2009 -

I am not a reindeer, but if I was, this is what I would look like.

I had a dream about a black reindeer last night, so I made a quick watercolor sketch of one. I am part Saami and reindeer will always hold a very special place in my heart. When I move further into the country and have land I plan to start up a small herd.

Did you know reindeers are arguably one of the oldest domesticated creatures? There is (limited) evidence that the earliest domestication of reindeer happened around 45,000 years ago with hunters capturing and keeping wild deer to help them hunt. Some people would argue the record should go to dogs, which have some records around 30,000 years old but concrete around 15,000 in China.

They are the domestic version of the north american caribou (the same species, technically) - and are smaller and different a different color (caribous being darker brown/black overall). Though classified as domestic there are wild herds of reindeer and also still living, nomadic cultures that live with and through the herds.

Also, did you know they are actually rather tiny? Females can be as small as 130 lbs, males 200 lbs. They can get larger, in the 300-600lb range (female/male) but compare that to the largest dog breeds!

Thus ends your daily interesting-animal-facts session. Sorry, I just love these guys and wanted to share! :)

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    A very cute reindeer, indeed!

    How cute it'd be to have a Irish Wolfhound and a tiny caribou as little buddies, awwwww

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    Ahh! It's always nice to be a reindeer once in a while, just for a minute or two. The colors translate so nice here!