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Harry Plushsuit (External Ver) by Fordoxia

Harry Plushsuit (External Ver)


Originally posted on 11 November 2017

External: You are already here.
Internal, padded: Over here.
Internal, naked: Over there.

I wasn't sure what was going on, having just woken up from an unusually strong sleep. Regardless, I immediately knew something was wrong. There was an unusual warmth surrounding me on all sides, trying to press into it didn't do much, it seemed to follow me as I tried to push into it. I couldn't just check to see what it was because something was covering my visor, blocking my view of the world. All I knew was I was here (where ever that was), with this strange soft warmth pressing tightly into me from all angles.

As I regained a little more lucidity from having enough time to properly wake myself up, however, I quickly remembered what had happened. There had been... People who broke in through the windows, I was on the floor before I knew what was going on, something got pressed against my filters and I had passed out...

Oh god, where was I?

I instinctively yelled, calling for help from someone, anyone.

Had I seen what I was being held in, I wouldn't have bothered. The sound that managed to escape to the outside world was basically nothing, even if you knew where to listen for it.

So this is a thing that I promised myself I'd make at some point. I think it came out really well.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital