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Cooling Down At The Beach - Cover / Details in Desc. by Flygon

Cooling Down At The Beach - Cover / Details in Desc.


Alright. There's a million and one reasons why this is being uploaded now, instead of me surprising everyone by uploading the completed colourized comic set.

In fact, there's a reason I haven't posted at all recently.

I've realized to myself that, truly, I will get nowhere as an artist if all I do is colourize other people's works. I mean, sure, I knew this all along, but, really, it is just a huge gigantuan crutch, and it's addictive.

Anyway, over a year ago, I started colourizing one of [url=]Harumi[/url]'s comics. The comic can be found [url=]here[/url].. As you can tell by the written credits, the one and only true real proper owner of the [i]Mewlava[/i] design cough, [url=]Jem[/url], wrote and commissioned this comic originally.

It started off well, initially. I was enthusiastic, and reeaally wanted to get a big comic done for the first time. But, after working on the first few real pages after the title, I was unsatisfied with how the colourizations were coming out.

This continued on as the pages continued to be worked on.

So, I ended up terminating the project. It occoured to me I simply couldn't get the comic colourized to the standards I wanted to impose on myself.

I'll be posting the rest of the panels that I [i]do[/i] like here, but the ones I dislike will likely never be posted. If there is huge demand for posting them? Sure. Perhaps I might even continue the colourization project. But I honestly doubt enough people will care enough to make that a real possibility. :-P

Anyway! I'll save the rest for a future journal at some point. For now, let's get the proper credits for the comic and [i]OC[/i]'s held therein!

Original Artist: [url=]Harumi[/url]
Writer/Mewlava: [url=]Jem[/url]
Rikyuu: [url=]Project X[/url]

Submission Information

Visual / Digital