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Tailess finally discovers he has a tail by wearing a hat by Flygon

Tailess finally discovers he has a tail by wearing a hat


foxnoctom did some absolutely dashing lineart, and I decided to colour it. My advisers recommended that Tailess finally discovering an audience appropriate tail would really really work with the target demographic that intends to view this image, because all things British are just fantaaaaaaaaaaastic! So we worked everything out, and decided that since Harry Potter is popular, we'd add in a Wizard hat and a wand made out of bone (gotta be original, right?), and since Doctor Who is such a brilliant Sci-Fi series, we'd take a note from... the fifth Doctor? Was it? I can't remember, anyway, we decided that the scarf is what made what particular Doctor so popular, and NOT his 7 year span on the show.

For those that want to see the terrible mockbuster versions of this image (y'know, like how The Thief and the Cobber was ruined because Warner Brothers simply got fed up with how long the movie was taking to make and how over budget it got, so they took the film from Richard Williams and tore into it with low quality animation, and tried to mix up the plot, to make it an Aladdin clone, and then it just did terrible in the box office and pretty much everyone agrees that Warner Brothers screwed up). Anyway, the mock terrible versions of this image can be found here, here, here, and especially here.

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